Parts List
Parts List
- IKEA SOCKER http://www.ikea.com/de/de/catalog/products/70186603/
- Partition walls for the Sensors and the Raspberry Pi
- Flexible hose for the water pump
- Raspberry Pi 2 Model B (should be replacable)
Sensors & Actors
- Connected to PCB (Could be replaced with a Breadboard and an ADC)
- Grove PIR Motion Sensor connected to Digital IO
- Grove - Relay drives 12V DC Water Pump connected to Digital IO
- Grove - Buzzer connected to Digital IO
- Grove Barometer Sensor connected to I2C
- Grove - Digital Light Sensor connected to I2C
- Adafruit RGB Negative 16x2 LCD+Keypad Kit conneced to I2C
- Grove - Temperatur Sensor connected to ADC
- Grove - Moisture Sensor connected to ADC
- Grove - Gas Sensor(MQ2) connected to ADC
- TODO link LightStrip connected to PWM
- Connected directly to the Raspberry Pi
- Raspberry Pi Camera Module connected to CSI
- TODO add Layout
- TODO link IC Sockel 16 Polig
- TODO 2x 40 polig stecker + flachband für raspberry pi
- MCP3008 - 8-Channel 10-Bit ADC With SPI Interface
- Grove - Universal 4 pin connector 90°
Power Supply
Laboratory power supply (Everything but the water pump could also be powered with an microusb 2A power supply)
, multiple selections available,